November 17, 2009

BUG: Special Country Chars

Today I have fixed an other little bug in the AJAX Search suggestion for OsCommerce

Cezar99 send me this screenshot from his polish OsCommerce online-shop. The problem can be fixed with the following change in the file searchSuggest.php

Change this line:
//Return each product name seperated by a newline.
str_replace($search,'' . $search . '',htmlentities($suggest['pn']) . "\n"):
htmlentities($suggest['pn']) . "\n";

To this:

//Return each product name seperated by a newline.
str_replace($search,'' . $search . '',html_entity_decode(htmlentities($suggest['pn'])) . "\n"):
html_entity_decode(htmlentities($suggest['pn'])) . "\n";

Now SimpleSuggest should be able to show foreign chars correct in the search suggestion. May chars could not be combined in products name, i tried some polish and a german special char, the german char was not correct decode but this should not be a problem.

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